12 janeiro 2012

Não se acostume com o que não o faz feliz, revolte-se quando julgar necessário. 
Alague seu coração de esperanças, mas não deixe que ele se afogue nelas. 
Se achar que precisa voltar, volte! 
Se perceber que precisa seguir, siga! 
Se estiver tudo errado, comece novamente. 
Se estiver tudo certo, continue.
Se sentir saudades, mate-a. 
Se perder um amor, não se perca! 
Se o achar, segure-o!

Fernando Pessoa

Everything - Lifehouse

Find me here,
And speak to me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That's leading me to the place
Where I'll find peace... Again

You are the strength
That keeps me walking
You are the hope
That keeps me trusting
You are the life
To my soul
You are my purpose
You're everything

And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

You calm the storms
And you give me rest
You hold me in your hands
You won't let me fall
You steal my heart
And you take my breath away
Would you take me in
Take me deeper, now

And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this

And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this

Cause you're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
Everything, everything

And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this

And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better any better than this

And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this

05 janeiro 2012


Quando o amor não estiver mais presente. 
Não se preocupe ainda existe poesia para inventar.
Não se esqueça quando você escreve, você pode ser quem você quiser, como quiser.
Feche os olhos pequena menina, e imagine o mundo como você quer daqui pra frente.
Faça sua vida uma poesia vivida.
Agora ERGA-SE! Aproveite a vida!
" O tempo não para, não para! - Cazuza"

- TH.Machuca

03 janeiro 2012

A chuva estava caindo só pra limpar as migalhas de 2011 que ainda estão no ar.
Não se preocupe... O melhor ainda está por vir...

Já estou vendo o sol sair!